Find a Church.
Looking for a doctrinally sound church?
Attending a good, doctrinally sound church is vital to the life of a Christian. When looking for a good church, it is essential to consider a few key elements. The church should have a high view of God and His authority and an uncompromising commitment to the sufficiency of scripture as the authoritative word of God.
The Master's Seminary is an excellent resource to help you find a good church. In our estimation, this institution is the best theological seminary in the United States. They have made a "Find a Church" web page available to everyone, where you can search for churches near you that have pastors who are seminary graduates. Of course, there are good churches that their alumni do not pastor, but we feel confident that their website will be a great place to begin your search.
If you cannot find a good church near you, find the closest one and attend as often as possible. It is better to go to a good church once or twice a month than a bad one every week. Even if the church is far away, visit and tell the pastor and elders about your situation. If they do not know of a good church closer to you (and often they will), we are confident they will be happy to work with you.