Who is Jesus?

Podcast Episode 8

After his completed work on the cross and before he ascended to his father in Heaven, Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to:

“…go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) and “…to make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them all that I commanded you…” (Matt. 28:19)

This commission is a mandate for all his followers, past and present. However, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ does not come without opposition. Christ said that many false teachers would come with a false gospel and deceptive notions of who he was and deceive many.

In this episode, we diligently search the Bible to test those deceptive spirits that continue to deceive many in the church today with a different gospel and a Christ not found in the scriptures.

Scriptures links and references:

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Alexander Ortiz

Dedicated to establishing and reinforcing a high view of the scriptures and Jesus Christ of whom the scriptures speak—helping you to understand God's full and accurate revelation concerning His son and fulfilling His great commission.


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