Grace for Humble.

Sin wages war against the members of our bodies. Often it is the source of quarrels and conflicts in many of our lives. It impairs our judgment and motives and causes us to desire what God does not will for our lives as we seek the things that do not endure and draws us further from God. The scriptures speak purposefully and declare that friendship with the world is hostility toward God. As we each face our struggles, balancing strong emotional attachments with the world and those deep and intimate longings for the things of God do not come naturally.

In this episode, we look to the scriptures and teach you how God’s grace is sufficient to prepare you to receive the grace that saves our lives and transforms our motives toward desiring God.

Scriptures links and references:

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Alexander Ortiz

Dedicated to establishing and reinforcing a high view of the scriptures and Jesus Christ of whom the scriptures speak—helping you to understand God's full and accurate revelation concerning His son and fulfilling His great commission.

Joy in the midst of suffering.


True and Perfect Love.