Benchmarks for a Christ-Centered Ministry.

These are biblical standards by which a genuinely Christ-centered ministry can be measured and judged.


The faithful presentation of the full and accurate truth concerning the Lord Jesus Christ is the measure of ministry integrity.


Devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ's glory is the benchmark of legitimacy for anyone serving in ministry. It is impossible to separate legitimate ministry from a consuming preoccupation with knowing all that has been revealed about Christ and understanding His full glory.


Every legitimate preacher, teacher, church, or ministry must be committed to the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ. They must be Relentlessly Biblical™ in understanding and teaching God's full and accurate revelation concerning His Son.


The Bible is the single source of the truth concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. The degree of emphasis put on the scriptures in any ministry should be equal to the commitment made to the Son of God's honor and glory. Diminished interest in the Bible leads to a decreased interest in the one the scriptures reveal.


A person’s love for Christ reveals their commitment to the word of God. At the same time, a ministry’s love for Christ is demonstrated by its devotion to biblical revelation. Where a consuming love for Christ exists, there will also be a consuming love for the scriptures.

Any deviation from these standards compromises the purpose of God in revealing scripture.